Tuesday, July 5, 2011


you stupid fucking spammers with nothing better to do Go To Hell!. guess what i got a new one today for a Speeding Ticket, i know its bogus cause its for New York and i dont live there so you're an idiot and two i know how to look up scams. guess what you're it tag you pricks!

btw if you 'Won' the lottery and are required to pay to get your money. please facepalm yourself for thinking hell yea i won some big money cause you are getting screwed. you never have to pay for lottery winnings. only the taxes on the winnings. common sense people and if you live in the states, dont trust the emails that send money to Nigeria unless you are sponsoring a kid thru a charity cause well you should be smacked for thinking some prince died and left you a shitload of cash you just gotta send 3/4s of it in a cashiers check to some western union out there.

Sigh did i miss any spam topics worth smacking sense into someone for?

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